Dr. Denise Mayo Moore is an experienced educator with over 20 years of experience empowering children and adults. Her subject matter expertise is in the human and social services fields. Among the classes she has taught are: Promoting Empowerment Through Professional Relationships; Mathematics for Human Services, and Marketing For Non-Profit Organizations.

Dr. Mayo Moore has given many professional presentations, including Poverty Awareness, Learning Styles, and Classroom Interventions for ADHD Students, suicide prevention, mandated reporting and Cultural Competency. As the Harassment, Intimidation and Bulling Specialist for a school district she provides staff development with regard to the law and policy in New Jersey, gang awareness and conflict resolution.

After being the Executive Director of several non-profit agencies where she was involved with community service Dr. Mayo Moore found there was a need to provide support in all aspects of small not for profit agencies. MOORE FOR YOUR NEEDS was created in 1995 by Dr. Mayo Moore to enhance and provide support to non-profits in the areas of fund-raising, board development and SWOT analysis.

Dr. Mayo Moore holds a Doctorate in Psychology from Walden University; two Masters - a Master of Science with a concentration in Community Economic Development from Southern New Hampshire University, and a Masters in Social Work from Yeshiva University. Her bachelor degree is in Human Services from the Audrey Cohen School of Metropolitan College of New York.

Dr. Mayo Moore invites you to connect with her on LinkedIn  linkedin.com/in/dr-denise-mayo-moore. She is available for speaking engagements as well as workshop presentations.

Feel free to contact her directly by phone 908-507-2572

or by email at denise@mooreforyourneeds.org