Invitation to Submit Your Story

The majority of my career has been discussing someone's feelings about the words that were spoken to them. As a result, I am writing a book about words and how they can make you feel. The book is entitled The Power of Your Words. The intention of this book is to share people's feeling with those in the helping professions (educators, health care professionals, intake workers) so they are aware of the power of their words.

Submission Process

We are looking for first-person, true stories of the words that resonate with you. Your story should explain how words made you feel, either good or bad. Your experience may be from any part of your life. Perhaps the remembrance will be something an educator, family member, friend, co-worker, or what you may have heard as a child, but you never forgot. We are seeking both positive and negative stories. You must be the owner of the stories you submit.

You may submit one positive and one negative story. Each story is to be between 300 and 1,000 words.

You may submit a poem. 

We will not change your story. We may edit your story for clarity and consistency within the book to maintain the style of the book. Do not submit to us if you will not allow you story to be edited for formatting

Contributors will receive recognition as a published author and may order copies of the book at discounted rates.


Please submit your story to

Place the following in the subject line: The Power of Your Words